Saturday, July 8, 2017

«100 and 5 Stars» Presents The Most Beautiful Woman Of the Web Of Today. – 8 July 2017 - 'B'.

No matter how small, acknowledge [recognize] the achievement.
Greg Henry Quinn.

In fact, there’s no more powerful directing force in human behaviour than belief. In essence, human history is the history of human belief.
Anthony Robbins.

Right thinking is living in ‘the Kingdom of God’.
Gardner Hunting.

Positive self-awareness is realizing that each human being on earth is a person with equal rights to fulfill his or her own potential in life.
Denis Waitley.

To establish true self-esteem, we must concentrate on our successes and look at the failures and negatives in our lives only as corrective feedback to get us on target again.
Denis Waitley.

Presenta: M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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