Wednesday, June 6, 2018

«100 and 5 Stars» Presents The Most Beautiful Woman Of the Web Of Today. 5 – Jun – 2018.

A great way for any entrepreneur to improve the chances at becoming a success is to study the habits and consider the advice given from other successful founders and CEOs.
Unknown author

No man can be successful, unless he first loves his work.
David Sarnoff

You don’t need to be a genius or a visionary, or even a college graduate for that matter, to be successful. You just need framework [structure] and a dream.
Michael Dell

A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can
Fred Smith

An idea, to be suggestive, must come to the individual with the force of a revelation
William James

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
Kenneth Blanchard

A goal is a dream with a deadline.
Napoleon Hill

The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.
Guy Kawasaki

Persevere… because on the road to success there is never a crowd on the extra mile!
Charity Gibson

Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control.
Tom Landry

To be a leader, you have to make people want to follow you, and nobody wants to follow someone who doesn’t know where he is going.
Joe Namath

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.  Martin Luther King Jr.,

In three words I can sum up [recapitulate] everything I've learned about life: it goes on [continues].
Robert Frost

...talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.
Patrick Süskind

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
Eleanor Roosevelt

The best vision is insight [discernment, understanding, intuition].
Malcolm Forbes

Swipe [Take] from the best, then adapt.
Tom Peters

You can expect no influence if you are not susceptible to influence.
Carl Jung

The ultimate [greatest] leaders develop followers who will surpass [transcend] them.
Alan L. McGinnis

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

You are only as good as the people you hire.
Ray Kroc

The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumer's goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that capitalist enterprise creates.
Joseph A Schumpeter

Every great and deep difficulty bears [supports] in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.
Niels Bohr

I began to realize that thinking itself is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions.
Tony Robbins

I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is being conscious of living.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes. Mahatma Gandhi

I grew up thinking that whatever I wanted to do, I could do.
Victoria Principal

One must learn by doing the thing, for though [even if] you think you know it you have no certainty [guarantee], until you try.

Men are generally incredulous, never really trusting new things unless they have tested them by experience.
Niccolo Machiavelli

For it is a/ways easier to help those who can help themselves than to help the helpless [immobilized].
E. F. Schumacher


La Biblia

Búsqueda y beneficios de la sabiduría
1* Hijo mío, si aceptas mis palabras*, | si quieres conservar mis consejos,
2 si prestas oído a la sabiduría | y abres tu mente a la prudencia;
3 si haces venir a la inteligencia | y llamas junto a ti a la prudencia;
4 si la procuras igual que el dinero | y la buscas lo mismo que un tesoro,
5 comprenderás lo que es temer al Señor | y alcanzarás el conocimiento de Dios.
6 Porque el Señor concede sabiduría, | de su boca brotan saber e inteligencia;
7 atesora acierto para el hombre recto, | es escudo para el de conducta intachable;
8 custodia la senda del honrado, | guarda el camino de sus fieles.
9 Entonces podrás comprender | justicia, derecho y rectitud, | el camino que lleva a la felicidad:
10 la sabiduría penetrará en tu mente | y te agradará el saber.
11 La perspicacia cuidará de ti, | la prudencia te protegerá;
12 te librará del mal camino, | del hombre perverso,
13 que abandona la senda recta | para ir por caminos tenebrosos;
14 que goza haciendo el mal, | complacido en sus perversas ideas;
15 que va por rumbos tortuosos | y sigue caminos extraviados.
16* Te librará de la mujer extraña*, | de la desconocida seductora,
17 que abandonó al amigo de su juventud | y olvidó la alianza de su Dios.
18 Su casa se ladea hacia la muerte, | sus sendas hacia la tierra de las sombras.
19 Los que entran allí no vuelven, | no dan con la senda de la vida.
20 Sigue, pues, el buen camino, | imita la conducta del honrado,
21 pues los rectos habitarán la tierra | y los íntegros permanecerán en ella;
22 pero los malvados serán arrancados, | los canallas, extirpados de ella.

Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -Proverbios 2 - Desde 1 a 22.


Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don't ignore it.
Proverbs 8:33

Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance.
Proverbs 1:5

For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith.
Romans 1:17

This Product is made in Mexico. Thanks for your attention.

This is the book, in progress, named «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars». Thanks. It will be among the greatest books of Leadership of last times.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.
Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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