Wednesday, October 30, 2019

01) 100and5Stars - 01 – Leadership. Ed. 2.0 [PDF Document].

01) 100and5Stars - 01 – Leadership. Ed. 2.0 - [PDF Document].
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I wasn’t there to compete, I was there to win.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
You see, each of the 7 billion human beings should have a sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of humanity.
Dalai Lama Dalai Lama
Worry implies that we don’t quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what’s happening in our lives.
Francis Chan
Our best form of attack is our defense; we create our own opportunities.
Eddie Jones
Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky.
Sonia Gandhi
Positive thinking is not magic. Assuming that positive thinking would attract money, happiness, good job, promotion, love – is just fanciful [spectacular] thinking. You need to work for it.

Hanif Raah

The Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars, In Scribd

Veracruz Library

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.
Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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