Sunday, February 2, 2020

21) 100and5Stars - 21 – Leadership. Ed. 2.0 [PDF Document].

21) 100and5Stars - 21 – Leadership - Ed. 2.0 [PDF Document].

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100 and 5 Stars. Now, I finish the present post, and thanks for reading these seventy-five [75] quotes. They are written in the English language, and then with incredible bonds. Thank you

I've spent half my life in gyms, if not more, and I love physical fitness and health [well-being]; couple [pair] that with the fact that I love for people to be healthy [in good physical shape], whether it's mentally, physically, or emotionally, and it's just a great opportunity for me to do something I love and have an impact on people's health.
Steve Nash

I always say fitness is the first step to greatness. And I try to encourage my fans to be on the same page as that. Because fitness is the first step to setting a habit that you necessarily don't want to do but are still committed [required] to doing every single day. And so I think that's why I always, always try to get a workout [test] in.
Jake Paul

I've always believed fitness is an entry point to help you build that happier, healthier life. When your health is strong, you're capable of taking risks. You'll feel more confident to ask for the promotion. You'll have more energy to be a better mom [mother]. You'll feel more deserving of love.
Jillian Michaels

Fitness has always been one of the top priorities in my life because that's the way I grew up, with soccer being the sport of choice.
Ziggy Marley

I never stop working when I'm on stage, and that's my fitness.
Jessie J

Obviously, your family life is the priority, but there's still other stuff [substance] you have to get done in a day. I think the way I make it work is by taking care of myself, and that includes fitness and eating right and all those things, but also by being very organized and punctual [on time].
Cindy Crawford

Cleanliness [Hygiene] is important, and more than that is the physical fitness to attain healthy body and mind.
Sandeep Singh

I want to continue working in Mexico, but I'd also like to work in other countries eventually, too. Working behind the camera is interesting for me, too.
Stephanie Sigman

If I could not be in this free and wonderful country - I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, mind [attend to] you - Mexico is where I would live. I love Mexico, and I love the Mexican people.
Dusty Rhodes

But, I've made films in Japan, in Yugoslavia, all over Europe, all over the United States, Mexico, but not Hollywood.
Sydney Pollack

When I was in college, my graduation thesis was called 'Female Directors.' I interviewed all of the important female directors from Mexico. There were four. That was it.
Patricia Riggen

Mexico was conquered more by manipulation of myth and archetype.
Norman Spinrad

In Mexico, wealth [prosperity] and poverty [scarcity] live next to each other and are cordial with each other - in my experience.
Whit Stillman

I was born in Monterrey, Mexico, and I would go to school in Texas. I lived on the border, so I was very fortunate to grow up between two worlds and both cultures and both languages and traditions.
Bianca Marroquin

I think overall [in general] our national security is strengthened [intensified] if we are able to make the decisions that we need and the alliances that we believe in outside [exterior] the current structures of the European Union.
Michael Gove

The European Union is not only a great idea, but it's also an idea we must keep working on [developing].
Sebastian Kurz

Western Europe has been redefining the nation state since 1945 when it formed the European Union following World War II.
Pete Hoekstra

Socialism is the gradual and less violent form of communism, and socialist is the project of the European Union, which was born in Maastricht in 1992. The intent was to save socialism in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the predictable bankruptcy [insolvency] of the welfare [prosperity, well-being] state in the West as well.
Vladimir Bukovsky

At the heart of these challenges lies [be positioned] the question of how the institutions of the European Union make laws, the types of laws they pass and the effectiveness with which those laws are implemented on civil society and the economy.
John Hutton

I am a passionate advocate [supporter, promoter] for developing (1) the future workforce, (2) addressing [speaking, attending] complex social problems, and (3) shaping a regulatory framework. These three subjects all revolve around greater innovation and growth [development].
Pierre Nanterme

You can't suppress [destroy] creativity, you can't suppress innovation.
James Daly

'British Vogue' is a great magazine with a legacy [inheritance, donation] of creativity and innovation.
Edward Enninful

We try to preach [speak, address] innovation. We provide resources; we invite speakers in from universities to talk about new ideas. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Irwin M. Jacobs

If you look at history, innovation doesn't come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.
Steven Johnson

If you look at the history of innovation, the innovations coming through the defense [protection, security] department have been some of the most important innovations ever. Little things like drones, sensors, and the Internet are defense type initiatives, but the big one is the Internet itself.
David Cohen

In innovation, you're trying to create something from nothing.
David Cohen

America has a unique combination of talent, a vibrant business environment, and access to global markets, which has enabled U.S. companies like Intel to foster [promote, nurture] economic growth [development] and innovation.
Brian Krzanich

For America's economic future to remain prosperous, we must encourage pro-growth policies [guiding principle] so that we continue to be the leader in innovation and entrepreneurship.
John Ensign

Today, the forces of competition, technology, and globalization have converged [congregated] to spur [encourage, drive on] innovation and to transform the way business is done in the securities [self-assurances] industry.
Arthur Levitt

The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig [excavate] deep and fix [repair, resolve] the root problem.
Suze Orman

How can the magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» enrich you?. Obtain a perspective, now. Friedrich August von Hayek affirms: ‘The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really [in reality] know about what they imagine they can design’.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The thing I have discovered about working with personal finance is that the good news is that it is not rocket [missile] science. Personal finance is about 80 percent behavior. It is only about 20 percent head knowledge.
Dave Ramsey

I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for all of us.
Dave Ramsey

You don't want to have so much money going toward your mortgage [debt, credit] every month that you can't enjoy life or take care of your other financial responsibilities. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Dave Ramsey

David Ricardo affirms: ‘Gold and silver, like other commodities [merchandises, products], have an intrinsic value, which is not arbitrary, but is dependent on their scarcity [insufficiency], the quantity of labor bestowed [presented, gave] in procuring them, and the value of the capital employed in the mines which produce them’. A precision. What means the expression: an intrinsic value?. We speak about the precious metals have great value, that fact, for their recognition in the market, and, of course, in the people. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Science is feasible [possible] when the variables are few and can be enumerated; when their combinations are distinct [separate, well-defined] and clear. We are tending toward the condition of science and aspiring to do it. The artist works out [exercises, understands] his own formulas; the interests of science lie in [make the most of] the art of making science.
Valéry, Paul

... if we would serve [attend] science, we must extend her limits, not only as far as [as much as] our own knowledge is concerned [involved], but in the estimation of others.
Virchow, Rudolf

The task of science, therefore, is not to attack the objects of faith, but to establish the limits beyond [ahead of] which knowledge cannot go and to found [establish] a unified self-consciousness within these limits.
Unknown author

We need women who are at the head of a boardroom [assembly room], like at the head of the White House, at the head of kind of major scientific enterprises so that [with the purpose of] little girls everywhere can then think, you know what? I can do that, I want to do that, I will do that.
Chelsea Clinton

Rethinking product supply chains offers another opportunity for traditional enterprises to introduce a host [congregation] of positive outcomes [results]. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Punit Renjen

Our region's economy was built upon [on] their entrepreneurial spirit, and our economy still depends on the continued success of the enterprises they have worked so hard to create.
Doc Hastings

All great enterprises have a pearl of faith [confidence] at their core, and this must be ours: that Americans are still a people born to liberty. That they retain the capacity for self-government. That, addressed [spoke, attended] as free-born, autonomous men and women of God-given dignity, …
Mitch Daniels

Sustainable production and consumption [utilization, spending] matter immensely to the people I meet every day as head of the International Trade Centre, which works with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them boost [increase, improve] growth [development] and job creation by improving their competitiveness and connecting to international markets.
Arancha Gonzalez

[Mathematics] chief attribute is clearness [transparency]; it has no means for expressing confused ideas. It compares the most diverse phenomena and discovers the secret analogies which unite them. … if bodies are placed far from [poles apart from, distant from] us in the immensity of space, if man wishes to know the aspect of the heavens at successive periods separated by many centuries, if gravity and heat act in the interior of the solid earth at depths which will forever be inaccessible, mathematical analysis is still able to trace the laws of these phenomena. …
Joseph Fourier

… mathematics is not the means of denying [disagreeing, negating] the idea of God’s pre-established world in order to play god and create our own cosmos, but rather is a means whereby [just how] we can think God’s thoughts after Him. It is a means towards furthering [advancing, promoting] our knowledge of God’s creation and towards establishing our dominion over it under [below] God. The issue in mathematics today is root and branch a religious one.
Rousas J. Rushdoony

Who has studied the works of such men as Euler, Lagrange, Cauchy, Riemann, Sophus Lie, and Weierstrass, can doubt [disbelieve, mistrust] that a great mathematician is a great artist? The faculties possessed by such men, varying greatly in kind and degree with the individual [person], are analogous [corresponding] with those requisite for constructive art. Not every mathematician possesses in an especially high degree that critical faculty which finds its employment in the perfection of form, in conformity with the ideal of logical completeness; but every great mathematician possesses the rare faculty of constructive imagination. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
E. W. Hobson

Could [Might, May possibly] lines be better, and could ideas be at once [at the same time] more trite [unoriginal] and more false? The poverty of the ideas seems hardly [only just] to affect the beauty of the verbal pattern. A mathematician, on the other hand, has no material to work with but ideas, and so his patterns are likely [probable] to last [persist, endure] longer, since [subsequently] ideas wear [have on] less with time than words. The mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colors or the words, must fit [install, correspond] together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test …. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
G. H. Hardy

Beauty is a conspicuous [visible, notable] element in the abstract completeness aimed at in the higher mathematics, it is the goal of physics as it seeks to construe [interpret, read] the order of the universe.
John Oman

Be really [in reality] hungry for success – but be brave enough to know that success can be measured in many different ways.
Nicola Padfield

Success is measured in many ways – the most important of which is how you feel about yourself.
Linda King

I have learned to define success on my own terms and to focus my work where possible on the areas where I can make most effective contributions.
Ruth Cameron

Not only is my ‘success’ measured by the number of publications I have had that reflect the quality of the work, but also by my willingness to help other scientists where I can. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Jennifer Hirst

If I were to articulate what I’m most proud [gratified] of, it would be in terms of really small, incremental improvements in my ability to do the various jobs I undertake [assume, embark on].
Corinna Russell

Contribution to the progression of others is not part of the conventional definition of success, but I’ve learnt that it’s really important to me.
Sarah Amalia Teichmann

In my teaching [coaching, doctrine], I enjoyed creating models to clearly communicate my thoughts. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Erno Rubik

One has to grow up [mature, develop] with good talk in order to form the habit of it.
Helen Hayes

I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak.
Lillian Hellman

Metaphors have a way of holding [keeping] the most truth in the least [minimum] space.
Orson Scott Card

I believe in communication; books communicate ideas and make bridges between people. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Jeanette Winterson

I believe that writing is derivative [byproduct, consequence]. I think good writing comes from good reading.
Charles Kuralt

For a writer only one form of patriotism exists: his attitude toward language.
Joseph Brodsky

Mass communication, radio, and especially television, have attempted, not without success, to annihilate [destroy] every possibility of solitude [privacy] and reflection.
Eugenio Montale

I try to just communicate what I want done as clearly and simply as possible.
Dick Wolf

The need to write comes from the need to make sense of one's life and discover one's usefulness [efficacy, effectiveness].
John Cheever

It is not enough to show people how to live better: there is a mandate [order] for any group with enormous powers of communication to show people how to be better.
Marya Mannes

I propose to construct a new chart [diagram, graphic representation] for navigating, on which I shall delineate all the sea and lands of the Ocean in their proper positions under [below] their bearings [directions, orientations]; and further [beyond], I propose to prepare a book, and to put down [put in writing] all as it were in a picture, by latitude from the equator, and western longitude.
Christopher Columbus

Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world.
Alan Rickman

I think that I have every right to write a book. I think I'm interesting. I have perspective about me.
Judy Garland

No man understands a deep book until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].
Ezra Pound

Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball [sphere, globe] of light in one's hand.
Ezra Pound

A name is so important in biblical settings [sceneries] that Scripture frequently mentions God Himself changing someone's name to reflect a new reality. Abram, which means 'exalted father,' was changed to Abraham, meaning 'father of a multitude.'
Tony Evans

… we read a lot at home, we also watched a lot of films. So I had already seen a lot of films that were about the crucifixion and the temptation of Christ, like Bible history and the Ten Commandments – stuff [substance] like that.
Tobias Forge

There's a consequence for everything, and that goes back [returns] to the Bible for me.
Taya Kyle

The truths [veracities] that are found [discovered] in the Bible are universal truths. And it shapes who you are and guides you throughout [during the course of] your life.
Ernie Hudson

Focus on the mind and the soul. Read. Study. Enroll [Join] in a course of lectures. Pray. Become a member of a religious congregation. Study the Bible or other ancient works of wisdom.
Jonathan Sacks

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