Friday, August 25, 2017

«100 and 5 Stars» Presents The Most Beautiful Woman Of the Web Of Today. – . 25 – August– 2017 – ‘B’.


Shakira - I want to do bubbles of love, in your aquarium
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Knowing and loving God is our greatest privilege, and being known and loved is God’s greatest pleasure.
Rick Warren.

Joy comes from using your potential.
Will Schultz.

You defeat bad thoughts by thinking of something better. This is the principle of replacement. You overcome evil with good.
Rick Warren.

Great opportunities often disguise themselves in small tasks. The little things in life determine the big things.
Rick Warren.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
John C. Maxwell.

God invites you to participate in the greatest, largest, most diverse, and most significant cause in history – his kingdom. History is his story… Nothing matters more, and nothing will last as long.
Rick Warren.

This is 100 and 5 Stars, Thank you for your preference, and to do of this blogger of World Scope.

Presenta: M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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