Tuesday, September 12, 2017

«100 and 5 Stars» Presents The Most Beautiful Woman Of the Web Of Today. – . 12 – September – 2017.

Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest – well, that is a choice.
Andy Andrews.

Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.
Jacob M. Braude.

There is no true success without peace of mind.
Joseph Murphy.

Our self-image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other.
Maxwell Maltz.

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.
Oprah Winfrey.

Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It's our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit [set on fire].
Mary Lou Retton.

Repetition is the mother of skill.

Combine your mental images with the emotion of desire to accelerate their realization.
Brian Tracy.

Your words and deeds must match if you expect employees to trust in your leadership.
Kevin Kruse

The ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust is the key professional and personal competency of our time.
Stephen M.R. Covey

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Romans 15:4

Presenta: M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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