Thursday, March 26, 2020

28) 100and5Stars - 28 – Leadership. Ed. 1.0 [PDF Document].

28) 100and5Stars - 28 – Leadership - Ed. 1.0 [PDF Document]

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100 and 5 Stars. Now, I finish the present post, and thanks for reading these, thirty-three [33] quotes. Additionally, you have three very interesting themes. They are: 1) « Maestría – El caso de una determinada película, y un determinado libro», 2) «Personal Finances - [Church of the Mormons]», and 3) « English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) - Oxford University». Our contents are written in the English language, with exception of our theme number one, which is written in the Spanish language.

I always recommend people read nutrition labels so they know, for instance, how much fiber they're getting.
Claudia Black

Head Start has been a key component of health, nutrition and early learning opportunities since the 1960s.
Travis Lane Stork

I have a thorough [detailed, careful] understanding of nutrition, and I feed my body only foods that support health.
Warren Cuccurullo

True beauty comes from the inside out [back-to-front]. It emerges from proper thinking, as well as proper nutrition and exercise.
David Bowie

Feed the mind good wisdom, the body good nutrition, the soul good vibes [feelings, atmospheres], … Elevation for your situation.
Ellie Krieger

Exercise and good nutrition helped make me what I am today and are critical in allowing me stay on top of my game.
John Robbins

The bottom line [result, end product] is that there is a lot more that could and should be done to help people with nutrition and exercise.
Chris Paul

I submit [present] that scientists have not yet explored the hidden possibilities of the innumerable seeds, leaves and fruits for giving the fullest possible nutrition to mankind.
Jared Polis

Training is bad for you! Training followed by rest and proper nutrition is good for you and will make you better prepared for the event you are training for.
Robert Farrar Capon

Developing a diet that is healthful [healthy, good for your health], balanced, and appropriate for your particular caloric needs is easy enough and is absolutely critical to establishing a healthful lifestyle that incorporates proper nutrition, adequate fitness, and mental resilience.
Victor Hugo

Maestría – El caso de una determinada película, y un determinado libro
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Película: «Poderes Ocultos» - Dos investigadores de fraudes paranormales, la veterana doctora Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) y su joven ayudante Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy), estudian los más diversos fenómenos metapsíquicos con la intención de demostrar su origen fraudulento. Simón Silver (Robert De Niro), legendario psíquico, tal vez el dotado más célebre de todos los tiempos, reaparece después de treinta años de enigmática ausencia para convertirse en el mayor desafío mundial para la ciencia ortodoxa y los escépticos profesionales.
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«¿Será posible que un estado de ánimo triste o negativo pueda debilitar nuestro organismo hasta el punto de abrir la puerta a numerosas enfermedades?,
¿Es verdad que muchas curaciones catalogadas como inexplicables, e incluso como milagrosas, pueden haber sido causadas por una poderosa sugestión?
 ¿Qué hay de cierto en esos resultados aparentemente mágicos que consiguen ciertos estados alterados de conciencia como la hipnosis o la meditación?.
A todas estas preguntas responde este libro de Abelardo Hernández que nos enseña algunas de las increíbles y aún desconocidas capacidades de nuestra mente».
Del libro titulado «La Relación Cuerpo - Mente», de la Editorial «Nueva Biblioteca de los Temas Ocultos». Autor Abelardo Hernández. Año 1995.

Personal Finances - [Church of the Mormons]
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Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The Lord has declared, “It is my purpose to provide for my saints” (D&C 104:15). This revelation is a promise from the Lord that He will provide temporal blessings [sanctifications, approbations] and open the door of self-reliance [self-confidence], which is the ability for us to provide the necessities of life for ourselves and our family members.
This workbook has been prepared to help members of the Church learn and put into [towards] practice principles of faith, education, hard work, and trust in the Lord. Accepting and living these principles will better enable you to receive the temporal blessings promised by the Lord. We invite you to diligently study and apply these principles and teach them to your family members. As you do so, your life will be blessed [approved, sanctified].
You will learn how to act on your path toward greater self-reliance. You will be blessed with greater hope, peace, and progress.
Please be assured that you are a child of our Father in Heaven. He loves you and will never forsake [abandon] you. He knows you and is ready to extend to you the spiritual and temporal blessings of self-reliance.
The First Presidency - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah
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I am come [move towards] that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
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Whatever causes us to be dependent on someone else for decisions or resources we could provide for ourselves weakens us spiritually and retards our growth toward what the gospel plan intends us to be.
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Without self-reliance one cannot exercise these innate desires to serve. How can we give if there is nothing there? Food for the hungry cannot come from empty [unoccupied] shelves [steps]. Money to assist the needy cannot come from an empty purse [reward, prize]. Support and understanding cannot come from the emotionally starved [have nothing to eat]. Teaching cannot come from the unlearned. And most important of all, spiritual guidance cannot come from the spiritually weak. Marion G. Romney.
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I urge you . . . to look to the condition of your finances. I urge you to be modest in your expenditures [expenses, payments]; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt to the extent [degree] possible. Pay off [Liquidate] debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from bondage [slavery, oppression]. This is a part of the temporal gospel in which we believe. May the Lord bless you to set your houses in order. If you have paid your debts, if you have a reserve, even though it be small…, you will have shelter [protection] for your [families] and peace in your hearts.
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1)     What experiences did you have practicing or sharing the My Foundation [Organization] principle?.
2)     What patterns or habits have you discovered while tracking [following] your expenses?.
3)     What did you learn from your family council [meeting, assembly]?.
4)     What did you learn from the financial assessment [evaluation]?.
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There is a law . . . upon [on] which all blessings are predicated—and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated [established, centered].
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The Lord blesses those who want to improve, who accept the need for commandments and try to keep them. He will help you repent [disappointment], repair, fix [resolve] whatever [of any kind] you have to fix, and keep going. Soon enough you will have the success you seek [search for].
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Document: «Personal Finances for Self-reliance». The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah.

English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) - Oxford University
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«Of course, all the contents of our magazines of ‘Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars’ work with issues of any intelligence, or any form of virtue. Now, I highlight [emphasize] in the present theme, EMI - English as Medium of Instruction, because of a great power of intersecting with the mission of our magazines. Yes, our magazines: ‘The Leadership, and the English Language - The English Language, and the Leadership’».
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
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The author, Julie Dearden.
Julie Dearden is the Senior Research and Development Fellow [Partner, Coworker] in English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) at Oxford University Department of Education (OUDE) and has a particular interest in the global shift [change] from English being taught as a ‘foreign’ language to English being used as a medium of instruction for other academic subjects. - [And both, ok]-. She is a member of the OUDE Applied Linguistics research group which aims to increase understanding of the acquisition and use of language from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. Julie manages a new research Center which was established in March 2014: EMI Oxford. This Center conducts research into English as Medium of Instruction and develops and teaches professional development programs for teachers and lecturers [speakers, trainers, readers].

This report presents the findings of a study which attempted to provide an initial picture of the rapidly growing global phenomenon of English medium instruction (EMI). Our working definition of EMI was: «The use of the English language to teach academic subjects in countries or jurisdictions where the first language (L1) of the majority of the population is not English».
The study was conducted by EMI Oxford (The Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction), a Centre based in the University of Oxford’s Department of Education. The research group included Professor Ernesto Macaro, Dr Catherine Walter, Julie Dearden and Ting Zhao. The study was enabled thanks to the support of the British Council. …
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In many countries the educational infrastructure does not support quality EMI provision: there is a shortage [lack, deficiency] of linguistically qualified teachers; there are no stated [specified, indicated] expectations of English language proficiency [expertise, know-how]; there appear to be few organizational or pedagogical guidelines [guiding principle] which might lead to effective EMI teaching and learning; there is little or no EMI content in initial teacher education (teacher preparation) programs and continuing professional development (in-service) courses.
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EMI – Eight Questions

1.      Who or what is driving EMI implementation and expansion?.
2.      What are the different forms of EMI currently [now, at this time] being developed?.
3.      What kind of English is being used in EMI and does this matter [count, signify]?.
4.      What levels of English proficiency [expertise, know-how] enable EMI teachers/professors to provide quality instruction in their respective academic subjects?.
5.      What are the psycholinguistic representations in the mental lexicon [dictionary, vocabulary] of abstract concepts encountered in academic subjects through EMI?.
6.      What strategies are used by students in EMI classrooms in oral and written comprehension tasks which are designed to facilitate their understanding of their academic subjects?
7.      What are the psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic effects on students’ home language resulting from EMI used in various phases of education?.
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EMI is increasingly [progressively, more and more] being used in universities, secondary schools and even primary schools. This phenomenon has very important implications for the education of young people. Yet little empirical [pragmatic] research has been conducted into [towards] why and when EMI is being introduced and how it is delivered. We do not know enough with regard to [with reference to] the consequences of using English rather than the first language (L1) on teaching, learning, assessing [evaluating], and teacher professional development.
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Bring to mind: «L1, where the first language of the majority of the population is not English».
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The study described in this report was a first phase in tackling [undertaking, facing] that research agenda in that its intention was to investigate in very broad [extensive, expansive] terms what the current situation is globally. This initial phase, carried out [performed] with the support of the British Council, set about mapping (a) «the size and shape of EMI in the world today». What is reported here therefore [consequently] is a ‘bird’s eye view’ of 55 countries where (b) «EMI is established or is in the process of being established».
[DATE] - The study was conducted from October 2013 to March 2014 and investigated the current situation of EMI in terms of country particularities, subjects being taught through EMI and important variables according to educational phases.
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EMI Oxford carried out [performed] 25 semi-structured 15–20 minute interviews with university teachers who were participating in three separate one-week professional development courses organized by the British Council. «The teachers came from different disciplines», including Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Information Technology, Media Studies, Social Work. They taught both undergraduates and graduates. The interviews were based on open questions about EMI aimed at investigating …
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The interviews were based on open questions about EMI aimed at investigating:
1.      The teachers experience in EMI at university level.
2.      Beliefs about whether students English improved when learning through EMI.
3.      Indications of whether students academic subject learning was affected when learning through EMI
4.      If teachers were aware of an EMI policy in their university
5.      Teachers perceptions of the level of English needed by students to follow a course in EMI and how they could reach that level.
6.      Teachers beliefs of the level of English needed by a teacher to teach in EMI and how they could reach that level.
The interviewer also asked the teachers themselves what research questions they would like EMI Oxford to investigate in the future in relation to EMI.
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Carrying out [Functioning, Working] a world-wide study of EMI poses a number of challenges for researchers. EMI is a global phenomenon, yet each EMI context in each country is potentially different. Each context has its own vocabulary for discussing educational issues and systems.
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The research field of EMI can be conceptualized as having two dimensions. The first is its presence in primary, secondary and tertiary education and the transition points between these phases. The second is the separation between public (state funded) and private education.
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Globally, the percentage of institutions in the private sector which respondents reported as sanctioning [authorizing, permitting] or allowing EMI is consistently higher than those in the public sector.
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[«respondent», in Spanish, «(n.) Persona demandada jurídicamente / (n.) Persona requerida para un algo»].
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Some teachers also spoke about their wish to ‘attract intelligent people to their university and share their own knowledge more widely’. Statements included: «For my university it is necessary to open the doors, globalization has arrived. We’re linguistically an isolated [remote, solitary] country. Internationalization is one of the big words here. English as world language, as the key to success, omnipresent [universal]».
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Spain - Public opinion is demanding EMI especially in primary and secondary education as English is considered a fundamental skill crucial for mobility and employability and not simply a foreign language. Provision of bilingual/ CLIL education is considered a vote winner by public administrations.
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Germany - No controversy [disagreement], yet. It is expected in Germany to spend some time abroad [in a foreign country], there are many initiatives to encourage study abroad. And there is a high expectation that everyone speaks a second language or has a reasonable level of English.
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Our present investigation «English as a medium of instruction – a growing global phenomenon - Oxford University» obtains data of analysis of several countries. Now, my person, M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz, only, lists 21 countries. They are, really [in reality], 55 countries study. Next, I cite: United States, Sri Lanka, Netherlands, Argentina, Switzerland, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Greece, Hong Kong, China, Hungary, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, India, Spain, …
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Teachers felt that the students would improve their English by being exposed to it, by having to express themselves and by reading and writing: «For sure yes, they will be exposed to more input [participation, involvement, and feedback], relevant input. Yes because they are forced to communicate with me in English and forced to think in English. I’m sure they will improve because they have to express themselves and collect [accumulate] the vocabulary to express and for their writing».
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The study was enabled thanks to the support of the British Council. [That institution] is the United Kingdom’s international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
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[A note of ERD] - In Mexico, and towards the world, you have two great free resources, for Your English. First, VOA-ERD, and second, the magazines of ‘Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars’. Now, the directions:
1)     VOA-ERD, in:
2)     Magazines of 100 and 5 Stars, options to accede and obtain them:
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Julie Dearden. «English as a medium of instruction – a growing global phenomenon». British Council, and Oxford University Department of Education. «».
Human life has meaning only to that degree and as long as [on condition that] it is lived in the service of humanity.
Wole Soyinka

I think it's good if a song has more than one meaning. Maybe that kind of song can reach far [distantly] more people.
Syd Barrett

Everyone - pantheist, atheist, skeptic, and polytheist - has to answer these questions: 'Where did I come from? What is life's meaning? How do I define right from wrong and what happens to me when I die?'. Those are the fulcrum [support] points of our existence.
Ravi Zacharias

Without wisdom, the future has no meaning, no valuable purpose.
Herbie Hancock

Patterns of repetition govern each day, week, year, and lifetime. 'Personal habits' is one term we use to describe the most common of these repeated patterns. But I say these habits are sacred because they give deliberate structure to our lives. Structure gives us a sense of security. And that sense of security is the ground [earth, argument] of meaning.
Robert Fulghum

I don't separate architecture, design, or culture. What's more important is a language of creativity that carries meaning.
Neri Oxman

Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass [pasture], I can appreciate persistence.
Hal Borland

Science is very good at answering the 'how' questions. 'How did the universe evolve to the form that we see?' But it is woefully [unhappily] inadequate in addressing the 'why' questions. 'Why is there a universe at all?' These are the meaning questions, which many people think religion is particularly good at dealing with. - [Be happy].
Brian Greene

I was very candid [sincere, honest] in my book because I want people to know the truth... and that people can change for the better.
Glen Campbell

The Book of Mormon is a second witness [observer] of Jesus Christ and a manifestation of the truthfulness [exactitude, accuracy] of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I appreciate the Prophet Joseph. I appreciate President Gordon B. Hinckley, who is the prophet of God and holds all the keys of the kingdom at this time, keys which prophets have held in uninterrupted succession since Joseph Smith.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I firmly believe that you can't get a good movie without risking a bad movie. A good adaptation of your book is worth [value, importance] it because it is such a wonderful experience to see your world translated onto [on] the screen.
Cassandra Clare

It's no coincidence that the word 'holiday' suggests a holy [consecrated, sanctified] day, or that the longest book in the Torah concerns the Sabbath. If you wish to advance in any sphere, the best way is to take a retreat [sanctuary, refuge].
Pico Iyer

'Swan,' by Mary Oliver. Poems and prose. Reading from this book is as if visiting a very wise friend. There is wisdom and welcoming kindness on every page.
Jessye Norman

Self-hypnosis, and the states of meditations are apart. But, both are near relatives [families]. Read books of self-development. Be positive. Mark Haddon affirms: ‘Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well’.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

I'm not a religious person; I'm more of a spiritual person, so I follow the rules of the Bible that coordinate with and connect with the Hebrew culture.
Amar'e Stoudemire

The only thing I can say that is wonderful about my mother is she forced me to learn three verses of the Bible every day of my life, and I've read the Bible now five times and it taught me the English language.
Bryce Courtenay

While the Bible teaches that immortality of the soul is conditional upon [on] well-doing, it makes no distinction in respect of the spirit.
Max Heindel

It does not require great learning to be a Christian and be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God.
Albert Barnes

There is a quiet revolution going on [about, taking place] in the study of the Bible. At its center is a growing awareness that the Bible is a work of literature and that the methods of literary [literate, well-read] scholarship [studentship, learning] are a necessary part of any complete study of the Bible.
Leland Ryken

All the streams flow into [towards] the sea, yet [however] the sea is not full. To the place from which the streams flow, there they return so [consequently, thus] as to flow again.
Ecclesiastes 1:7 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

The existence of angels - The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls "angels" is a truth [veracity] of faith [confidence]. The witness [observer] of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition. …
The beauty of the universe: the order and harmony of the created world results from the diversity of beings and from the relationships which exist among them. Man discovers them progressively as the laws of nature. They call forth [into the world] the admiration of scholars [academics, researchers]. The beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the Creator and ought to inspire the respect and submission [obedience] of man's intellect and will.
Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal, spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient [all-knowing], infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, through whom all things were created and through whom the salvation of the redeemed hosts [congregations, multitudes] will be accomplished; the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in the work of redemption [improvement, renovation].
Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

Attributes of the Holy Ghost [Spirit] - How does the Holy Ghost differ from the Father and the Son?. Why is that difference important to us?. The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is a “personage of Spirit”. He can be in only one place at a time, but His influence can be everywhere at the same time. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are called the Godhead. They are unified in purpose. Each has an important assignment [task, project] in the plan of salvation. Our Heavenly Father is our Father and ruler. Jesus Christ is our Savior. The Holy Ghost is the revealer and testifier of all truth. The Holy Ghost is our Heavenly Father’s messenger and is a special gift to us.
Gospel Principles - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars, In Scribd

The Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars, In

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.
Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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